Meet The Team
Learn more about the people and committees driving our mission
Maamwesying Ontario Health
Team Projects
Discover the projects fuelling progress and transformation at the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team.
Leadership Council
The Maamwesying Ontario Health Team is guided and governed by the Leadership Council, which provides direction and decision-making in project planning, design, and implementation activities.
The council is composed of representatives from each Core Member Partner of the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team. Recognizing the importance of co-designed health systems with individuals who have lived and living experience, the Leadership Council includes two representatives from the Relative and Family Advisory Council. These representatives play a crucial role in supporting the shared determination and decision-making that form the foundation of the Ontario Health Team.
Relative and Family Advisory Council
The Relative and Family Advisory Council is a cornerstone of the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team.
The Council is committed to furthering patients, families and caregivers’ engagement and involvement in co-designing the future of health care.

The Relative and Family Advisory Council is composed of members from the First Nations communities and the Urban Indigenous Population of Sault Ste. Marie, who are serviced and supported by the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team.
The term ‘relative’ as opposed to ‘patient’ is used by this council for good reason. Relative, conveys that you are not merely a number within the healthcare system, but rather you are being cared for as a family-member would be. The phrase ‘all my relations’ holds significant meaning within Indigenous communities, illustrating the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team’s commitment to anchoring its work in Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
The Maamwesying Ontario Health Team receives additional insight, support and guidance from the Senior Patient Advisory Council, a group of Elders and Knowledge Keepers from the First Nations Communities in the territory, who share their wisdom, cultural teachings, and experiences through specific project initiatives and events.
Relative and Family Advisory Council Declaration of Values Process
A declaration of values expresses the expectations that patients, families, and caregivers have of the healthcare system. It serves as a compass for people and organizations in healthcare, pointing toward the principles and values that are important to these groups.
In 2023, Ontario Health Teams across the province were tasked with adopting the Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values for Ontario.
The Relative and Family Advisory Council noted that the Declaration for Ontario did not represent their values, so they created a unique and culturally grounded Declaration of Values for adoption by the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team.
Art and storytelling are essential communication tools in First Nations culture, so the council collaborated with a local Indigenous artist to visually depict the Declaration of Values. The artist captured elements of stories, experiences, and teachings shared by the Relative and Family Advisory Council and the Senior Patient Advisory Council.